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International Roleplay

International Roleplay - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Welcome to Grand Reality Roleplay! We are glad you are here and a part of our community. As a part of our community, we ask that you please review the following rules and regulations before you begin posting on the forums. If we see these rules on another forum, then action will be taken. Stealing is lame. Categorization * - Post in the appropriate forum section for the topic being presented. * - Posting technical questions in the general discussion areas "just because it will get answered faster" is not acceptable. * - If a person repeatedly creates new threads that are obviously in the wrong place, the staff have the right to delete a post/thread without notice. * - Moving threads is a courtesy to help keep things categorized properly, however, we realize that sometimes a question can cross multiple topics and it isn't exactly clear where it would be best to post if this is the case, PM a moderator and let him or her know about the thread and that you need some assistance. 2. Thread Creation Do not start new threads if you are doing it for one of the following reasons: * - You are simply responding or talking about another thread that has been locked/deleted by a moderator. * - You are asking why a previous thread was locked/deleted by a moderator. * - You are asking why another member had their account suspended. * - You want to inform the world of matters that are completely pointless. (E.g. "I am so drunk. Look at me type while I am drunk.") * - You solely want to complain about the behavior of forum participants or content. In doing so, you are only creating another pointless thread. If you have an issue with someone, please message him or her and resolve it there, contact a moderator, or report the posts in question for staff review. * - You have already posted the same question/comment in another forum. Do not double post! * - You want to accuse someone of being a hacker without supporting evidence (See rule 19 for more information). If threads are created due to one of these reasons, the forum staff will either close or remove them. 3. Advertising In general, advertisement threads or posts on the Grand Reality Roleplay are discouraged and in most cases prohibited. The following types of advertisements are not permitted on the Fox Roleplay: * - Advertisements created by newly registered members. (Under 10 Posts) * - Advertisements outside of the relevant forums. * - Advertisements for e-Bay auctions, Lockerz invites or the sales of used PC games. * - Advertisements for "Power-leveling services." Certain advertisements are permissible under the following circumstances: * - Prior approval has been obtained from a Grand Reality Staff member. Obtaining prior approval is the best method of advertising as the staff member can direct you to the appropriate area of the forums in which to place your advertisement, if the advertisement is permissible. * - Free giveaways of gaming-related items or services (such as free copies of games, posters, etc.) are acceptable so long as they are submitted as news through the Community Submissions forum. The staff will then decide if it gets posted and if it does, where it will be posted. * - Veteran community members who have contributed to the forum in a significant degree will be allowed leeway with advertisement threads. If you are unsure if you qualify under this exception, please contact a member of the forum staff. These advertisements will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the forum staff. Under all of these rules, the staff reserve final judgement as to the permissibility of advertisements. When in doubt, contact a member of the staff before posting an advertisement. 4. Post Content * - Do not curse in the subject line. No excessive foul language, there are basic filters for some foul language, but you are also expected to use good judgment and common sense when posting. * - Members here are of all ages and the content in a post should be suitable for all ages and all locations including the workplace and school environment. This includes content contained with forum signatures and avatars. * - This is primarily an English speaking forum and posts are recommended to be in English; however we realize that members of this network originate from all corners of the globe and we welcome participants from other nations but please present your posts in a way the community can understand them or alternatively post in the relevant language subsection. * - Spelling Police WILL NOT be tolerated, period! If you have nothing to add to a topic except to point out the spelling deficiencies of other members then do not post, grammar police are not welcome here. However this does not mean you have the given right to post lazily and make it unnecessarily difficult for others to understand your posted messages. * - Absolutely no racist or offensive posts, this includes statements promoting racist beliefs, media/propaganda and general racist remarks against a person or group of persons. This applies to all forum sections. Forum admins reserve the right to remove threads/posts that contain unwelcome comments and the people that post them at anytime and without notice. * - While we want everyone to express themselves as freely as possible, it is NOT acceptable to constantly complain, threaten, rant, flame, or behave like a forum troll. If you have nothing constructive to add or bring to the community then you should strongly consider taking some time and formulating a way to express yourself that falls within the acceptable guidelines. * - Keep in mind Grand Reality Roleplay is providing this place in order for all gaming enthusiasts to discuss relevant material. There are ways to express yourself no matter what opinion you hold; however, no one wants to see a constant flow of negativity. Not everyone agrees about everything, we understand and accept this. We want everyone to have a pleasant experience while on our boards Just as you have the right to post your thoughts, feelings, ideas on game related topics, others have the right to a “hate free” forum experience as well. * - It is highly recommended that if you are going to post about something that you do not agree with, make sure you take the time organize your thoughts and avoid going off on a tangent. This will ensure you are providing a quality, alternative point of view and not another “Rant thread”. Failing to follow this will result in the possible removal of your thread/post and a possible review of your account at the discretion of the staff. 5. Reporting Posts * - There is a way to report posts that are offensive or against the forum rules. Items placed in the incorrect forum, posts that are clearly off topic, or contain illegal content may also be reported. The small yellow yield sign underneath a members name can be clicked. * - This will bring up a new screen that will contain a text box. Explain in detail why you feel the thread was in need of being brought to a moderator’s attention. You are to use this feature responsibly at all times. It is one way that you, the individual can help keep our community a friendly and informative place. 6. Politics * - Put simply, this isn't a political forum. If you are in need of a good argument with someone then there are plenty of other forums specializing in this elsewhere. * - You are free to post news about current events all you like but the first person to turn it into a political rant will have their account status reviewed. * - This also applies to signatures, avatars and usernames or for people constantly dragging up the anti-politics rule. 7. Spamming * - Any such messages will be removed at the sole discretion of the board staff. * - Spamming is defined as excessive posts that offer no significant value to the topic. Most of these kinds of posts are just single-word posts that have no meaning or value whatsoever, or just a post that could be of normal length but take the thread completely off topic. * - Do not derail/hijack threads! 8. No Flaming * - Members are expected to conduct themselves as civilized individuals here with some level of maturity and decorum. That means showing courtesy to staff, other members and guests. Avoid excessive cursing and absolutely no personal attacks, bashes or bigotry. * - Racism will absolutely NOT be tolerated under any circumstances. This includes posting senseless rants that compel other members to join in the flaming. These posts will be deleted as soon as possible and the offending members will be subject to the disciplinary guidelines. 9. Shouting * "READING A POST LIKE THIS IS ANNOYING!!!" Please don't do it. 10. Staff * - Respect board administrators/developers. They spend countless hours maintaining the forum, helping people and building it into the great community that it has become. * - Staff decisions, such as the removal of posts, thread closure and banning, are not subject to review by the members of the boards. If you have a question or comment, please send a message to the appropriate staff member via the private messaging system. 11. vB Code * - Do not abuse vB code. It is provided as a benefit to you and its usage can be revoked. (Smiley spamming, excessive text formatting that makes posts hard to read etc.) * - If you want to link to images posted on another website or forum, link to the page, don’t post all the images in your reply. If you would like to link to the images directly please do so by pasting the links as text. If you want to display images in your post then please either upload them to the forums using the ‘advanced reply’ and then attach the images to the post directly or upload them at Imageshack and link copy/paste the code for the thumbnails. 12. Appropriate Imagery and/or Off-Site Links * - No linking or posting of any material that is pornographic/sexually-orientated, racist (Nazi swastika), hateful or threatening, "R" rated, excessively violent, or otherwise inappropriate for the forum environment. This includes content used in Signature Pics and Avatars. * - Members of this forum are of all ages, please use good judgment when linking to content not associated with this forum. 13. New Members * - New members or “Newbies” are highly encouraged to use the SEARCH function to first look for relevant threads related to their topics of interest before going on a posting spree. For a successful search, it is recommended that you read the boxes and fill in the appropriate information in order to obtain the best results. Yes, search does work when used properly. * - Treat new members with respect even if they ask a question that has been answered a dozen times before, simply refer them to the proper thread that answers their question and encourage the use of the forums search feature. Remember that there is no such thing as a stupid question. • Do not abuse the fact that staff members can and will move posts for you. 14. Privacy * - Do not post personal information (i.e. addresses, phone numbers, IP’s, passwords, PIN's, credit card information or any other information considered private) without the express permission of the individual. * - Users can setup their forum accounts so that e-mail addresses are not visible to others, except board administrators. * - There is an optional cookie placed on the forum server that helps enhance your online experience by keeping you logged in to the forums. We do not share, sell, or distribute any personal information with third parties. We value and respect your privacy. 15. Copyright Laws * - Observe all copyright laws both local and International when posting. If the material belongs to someone else, credit the original author/creator. Do not post material where you do not have permission to distribute it electronically or otherwise. 16. Liability * - Grand Reality Roleplay will not be held liable for the result of the usage of any information provided in the forums, and disclaim all liability resulting in the use of the posted information. * - We take no responsibility for the content of any of the messages posted in the forums, and do not guarantee of the authenticity of its authors. All opinions and views expressed in the forums are the sole property of their respective authors unless otherwise noted, and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or its representatives. 17. Illegal Activities * - You will not discuss, suggest, advocate, engage, or encourage any illegal activity. Links provided to locations that deal with any such activity are expressly forbidden. Do not post messages that violate Federal, State, or Local laws or anything that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or anything bound by an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). 18. Warez/CD Cracks/Key Generators * - There will be absolutely no links, requests, suggestions, or any discussion about warez. There will be NO discussion on how to obtain CD keys, cracks, serial numbers, no-CD patches or key generators for any form of software, game or application on any part of this website or forum, whether you own it legitimately or not. Any members that engage in these discussions, or are known to possess software that they do not legitimately own will be removed. 19. Cheats * [*- ]There will be no discussion on how to use cheats in Multiplayer parts of any game. Do not link to sites that supply this information. * - Cheats can be carefully discussed to teach the general gaming population on what to look out for if someone is suspected of cheating. Cheats in single player mode can be freely discussed, but any discussion of how to use cheats in multiplayer mode will result in a permanent vacation from the forum. This does not give members the right to circumvent the rules laid out above; please tread lightly when discussing this topic to avoid a ban. * - Threads or posts accusing other members or players of using multiplayer cheating implements are not permitted unless reasonable evidence is provided along with the post. Reasonable evidence consists of demos taken in-game of the player or screenshots of the player in question. The Valhalla Gaming Staff still retains final judgment as to whether a post or thread is acceptable according to this rule and reserves the right to delete any thread with questionable evidence. 20. Member Accounts and Disciplinary System * - Each member is limited to one account/alias, unless otherwise authorized by an administrator. * - Do not impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself. An account created at this forum is for the use of the person registering it and no one else. * - Shared accounts available at places such as bugmenot will be removed upon discovery. * - It is recommended that you create your forum account with a name that does not contain clan tags of any form. We will not change member’s usernames because they have joined/left clans. If you however have a legitimate reason for your username to be changed please PM a forum administrator. * - If your account has been suspended, DO NOT re-register under another alias for the duration of your suspension, doing so will warrant the removal of the duplicate account and the permanent ban of your original account. 21. Images (Avatars / Signatures) * - You are accountable for your own avatars and signatures, no disgusting or pornographic images of any-sort. * - Any un-tasteful images that our directed to insult or hurt another player are also not tolerated. 22. Ticket Center * - If you have been banned from any of the servers, you can go here to fill out a ticket which will be reviewed by an administrator. * - You can also fill out a ticket to report an Administrator or a Game Master. * - This is also the place to go to if you are having account issues. 23. Copyright - Content contained on this forum not covered by other copyrights is copyright of Valhalla Gaming and/or the members of Valhalla Gaming. By visiting this site you accept these terms. Unauthorized use of copyrighted Valhalla Gaming material including but not limited to unique group names, independently copyrighted forum styles, and marketing campaigns is prohibited and will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 23. FoxChan/Memes [LIST][*]- FoxChan is the section of our forum to discuss topics which are not classified in any other part of the forum. This is not a spam forum, and will be moderated in line with the rest of the forum rules here.[*]- Internet Memes and Caturday pictures whilst fun have no place on the forums, so please refrain from using them. Banning is a LAST resort. We will not ban a member until all other efforts to resolve a problem with a member have failed. We reserve the right to ban any member at any time without reason or prior notice. If a user has been banned and continues to disregard the forum rules, relevant information from the forums logs will be retrieved, their ISP will be contacted and appropriate steps will be taken to resolve the issue. Thank you for reading these rules and please ensure that they are followed at all times. If you have any questions regarding these rules, please PM me or another member of the Valhalla staff. Continued use of this forum is deemed acceptance of these rules in their entirety. Thank you for reading these rules and please ensure that they are followed at all times. If you have any questions regarding these rules please PM a member of the administrative staff.

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